Jadrian Wooten
Economics Educator
Sports Economics
The Impact of Fans on Home Advantage: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic College Basketball Season
[working paper]
(with Emily Marshall and Stephen Locke)
Media Coverage: [Virginia Tech, WSLS]
March Madness: NCAA Tournament Participation and College Alcohol Use [open access]
(with Dustin White and Ben Cowan)
Contemporary Economic Policy, 37(3): 449–461, 2019.
Media Coverage: [Associated Press, The Conversation, The Washington Post, Higher Education Center]
Rivalries in US Professional Soccer
International Journal of Sport Finance, 13(2): 105–118, 2018.
A Case for Complements? Location and Attendance in Major League Soccer
Applied Economics Letters, 25(7): 442–446, 2018.
Pundits: The confidence trick: Better confident than right? [open access]
(with Ben Smith)
Significance, 10(4): 15–18, August 2013.
Media Coverage: [ESPN's Pardon the Interruption, Inc, The Telegraph, MarketWatch, Business Insider, NPR]
Economics & General Pedagogy
Are Students Sexist when Rating Each Other?: Bias in Peer Ratings and a Generalization of the Rubric-Based Estimator [working paper]
(with Ben O. Smith)
ChatGPT has Aced the Test of Understanding in College Economics: Now What? [Open Access]
(with Wayne Geerling, Dirk Mateer, and Nikhil Damodaran)
The American Economist, 68(2), 233–245.
Gender, Risk Aversion, and the “COVID” Grading Option in a Principles of Economics Course
(with Steve Trost)
Forthcoming at Applied Economics Letters
Assessing Knowledge and Difficulty with Rubric-Based Instruments
(with Ben O. Smith)
Southern Economic Journal, 90(2), 510–534, 2023.
The Role of Relevance in Economics Education: A Survey [open access]
(with Abdullah Al-Bahrani, Kim Holder, and Darshak Patel)
Journal for Economic Educators, 21(1), 11–34, 2021.
Economics in a Crisis: A Cautious Approach to Being Relevant [open access]
(with Abdullah Al-Bahrani)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 5(4), 142–151, 2021.
Facilitating Student Connections and Study Partners During Periods of Remote and Online Learning [open access]
(with Wayne Geerling and Nicola Thomas)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 5(2): 1–14, 2020.
Economics is a Kahoot! [online resource available]
(with Charity-Joy Acchiardo and Dirk Mateer)
The Journal of Economics Education, 51(3–4): 380, 2020.
Improving Student Performance through Loss Aversion
(with Ben Smith, Rebekah Shrader, Dustin White, John Dogbey, Steve Nath, Michael O'Hara, Nan Xu, and Robert Rosenman)
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5(4): 278–288, 2019.
Create random assignments: A cloud-based tool to help implement alternative teaching materials
(with Ben Smith)
The Journal of Economic Education, 49(3): 297, 2018.
Teaching with Media
Teaching Economics Through Old Testament Stories [working paper]
(with Amel Ben Abdesslem Brian Hollar)
Engaging Gen Z Students with Economic Lessons Featuring MrBeast [open access]
(with Wayne Geerling and Dirk Mateer)
Journal for Economics Teaching, 9(2), 110–122.
Finding E Words in The G Word with Adam Conover: New Opportunities to Teach Economics [working paper]
Forthcoming at Journal of Economics Teaching
Teaching Economics with Parks and Recreation [open access]
(with Kalina Staub)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 9(1), 1–16.
Moneyball as a Resource for Teaching Economics [open access]
(with Dustin R. White)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 8(3), 194–197.
Economics of Squid Game [online resources available]
(with Wayne Geerling)
The Journal of Economic Education, 54(3), 347–348, 2023.
The Most Magical Way to Teach Economics [open access]
(with Michael Jaeger)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 8(1), 12–23, 2023.
Using Squid Game to Teach Game Theory [open access]
(with Wayne Geerling, Kristofer Nagy, Nicola Thomas, and Elaine Rhee)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 8(1), 47–63, 2023.
Using K-Pop to Teach Indifference Curve Analysis, Behavioral Economics, and Game Theory [open access]
(with Wayne Geerling, Kristofer Nagy, and Elaine Rhee)
Journal for Economic Educators, 22(1), 40–56, 2022.
Teaching Economics with Breaking Bad [open access]
(with Steve Muchiri and Mihai Parschiv)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 7(1), 74–91, 2022.
Teaching Economics with Scenes from Superstore
(with Brian Lynch)
International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 12(3–4), 308–321, 2022.
(with Brian Lynch)
The Journal of Economic Education, 53(2), 196, 2022.
Teaching Economics with Scenes from Moneyball [open access]
(with Dustin R. White)
Journal for Economics Educators, 21(2), 31–37, 2021.
Breaking Down the Language Barrier: Using Pop Culture from Across the Globe to Teach Microeconomics [open access]
(with Wayne Geerling, Dirk Mateer, and Florencia Gabriele)
Journal for Economics Educators, 21(2), 1–20, 2021.
Diversifying the Use of Pop Culture in the Classroom: Using K-pop to Teach Principles of Economics
(with Wayne Geerling and Angelito Calma)
International Review of Economics Education, 38, 100220, 2020.
Teaching Principles of Microeconomics the Economics Media Library [open access]
(with Kelsi Hobbs)
Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 3(1), 37–57, 2021.
Have Coase – Will Travel: New Ways to Teach Coase Using Old Media [open access]
(with Jon Murphy and John Schuler)
Journal of Private Enterprise, 35(4), 71–86, 2020.
Integrating Discussion and Digital Media to Increase Classroom Interaction
International Review of Economics Education, 33, 100174, 2020.
Adam Ruins Everything, Except Economics [open access]
(with James Tierney)
Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 18(1), 34–53, 2019
An In-Class Experiment to Teach Marginal Revenue Product Using the Baseball Labor Market and Moneyball [open access, online resources available]
(with Dustin White)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 3(1): 115–133, 2018.
Economics Within ABC's Modern Family [Online resources available]
(with Kalina Staub and Susan Reilly)
The Journal of Economic Education, 51(2), 210, 2020.
Teaching Economics Using NBC's Parks and Recreation [Online resources available]
(with Kalina Staub).
The Journal of Economic Education, 50(1): 87–88, 2019.
Economics Media Library [Online resources available]
The Journal of Economic Education, 49(4): 364–365, 2018.
Lesson Plans for Teaching Economics with The Big Bang Theory [Open access, Online resources available]
(with James Tierney, Dirk Mateer, Ben Smith, and Wayne Geerling)
Journal of Economics Teaching, 3(1): 162–184, 2018.
Art of Econ: Incorporating the Arts Through Active Learning Assessments in Principles Courses [open access]
(with Abdullah Al-Bahrani, Kim Holder, and Darshak Patel)
Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 15(2): 1–16, 2016.
Bazinganomics: Economics of The Big Bang Theory [Online resource available]
(with James Tierney, Dirk Mateer, Ben Smith, and Wayne Geerling)
The Journal of Economic Education, 47(2): 192, 2016.
Other Publications
Rotten at the Top: A Different Form of Inaccessibility Among Top Economics Journals [working paper]
(with Dustin R. White)
Incorporating Media into the Sports Economics Curriculum (pp. 165-180)
This Class is a Kahoot! Using Kahoot to Test Student Knowledge in Class (pp. 200-207)
Teaching Marginal Revenue Product Using Moneyball (pp. 235-240)
Chapters In Teaching Sports Economics (V. Matheson and A. Fenn), 2022.
Parks and Recreation and Economics
Oxford: Routledge, 2021.
Book Review: Review: Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing, by Jacob Goldstein
The American Economist, 67(1): 155–158, 2022.